Motivations Self-care

How to keep your bucket full

Keeping your bucket full means you are full of hope, joy, positivity and encouragement. As shared in one of my earlier posts about 5 ways to de-stress for kids, everyone’s life has little turmoil now and then but the most important thing is to always get up and keep going. In this post I write about 7 ways to keep your bucket full.


What does it mean to keep your bucket full? As an educator I have done this professional development where we have learned how each teacher and staff member brings their baggage to school. In this activity my principal took the time and effort to give compliments and encouragement to each of her staff members. I received this bucket about 8 years ago and it is still on my home computer desk! My words of encouragement were: thinker, planner, organized, supportive (and worrier.)

For a successful campus where it is all about students’ learning and growing every day, it is very important to be intentional about what you are bringing into the four walls. You can bring your emotions (positive or negative) and it will spread to people around you. So it should be a conscious effort to be positive so you can spread positivity and cheer around.

Whether we are educators, nursing home associates, nurses, doctors, EMS professionals or any other worker, working people or stay at home parents – what you are giving out to others is so important and being intentional is so critical. We can only give out what we have. If we have love and happiness inside us, we will give that. If we have insecurity and fear, we reflect that. Let us all today start being intentional about what we are choosing to take in because whatever that is, will be given out to others.

Do we want to be positive and spread cheer? Then be deliberate to look around for that and absorb it. Your thoughts make you! So always think positive and look for good things in life. Do you believe in lifting yourself by lifting others? Compliment others often. What good you do to others, will come back to you.

Disclaimer: This is my personal opinion about how to be hopeful, encouraged and keep our bucket full. This is not intended to be a professional review of any book or concept.

Below are my 7 ways to keep your bucket full:

1. Be positive

Believe that all things work together for good. Be positive, come what may. Being hopeful and optimistic is an energy that can help you keep going. Don’t be disappointed for too long, learn a lesson and move on. I know it is easier said than done but having a positive attitude can be developed and it has tremendous benefits.

Related post- 5 benefits of having a positive attitude

2. Live in the present

There are times when we look back at our past or look ahead at our future. In the past we may look at the mistakes made or the joys we had found. We may be hopeful for the future or worry about what is coming. But the present is the gift we should all enjoy. Living in the moment may take away our stress, and can help us live a happier life.

Related post- Embrace power of now

3. Look for happiness and miracles every day

In addition to being positive, looking for small joys in life may lead to actually finding happiness every single day. It is not the big things that count the most, but the small daily miracles that reach our heart and keep us overflowing with goodness and kindness.

Related post- Find miracles every day

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

4. Make small goals and reach milestones

What is life without purpose and passion? It is a good idea to make small goals (daily or weekly or monthly) and see you reach them. It can be as small as an organizational skill or learning something new. Identify and develop your strengths. If you are not sure where to begin, you can read these post about learning your personality and learning style and seven habit to cultivate. Making small goals and accomplishing them can lead to confidence, determination and grit.

5. Be encouraged

Be encouraged by encouraging others. One way to do that is through your words. Do you know the power of words? Complimenting others to fill their imaginary bucket can actually help you fill yours! We, as human beings, love to feel good and it is human nature to be encouraged by positive words. As an educator I know that in great classrooms and school settings positivity, encouragement, praise and constructive feedback are strategies used on a daily basis. Try to be a source of encouragement to others.

Related post- Words of encouragement

6. Inspire yourself

Whether it is reading, pursuing a hobby or accomplishing small goals, remember to look for ways to inspire and motivate yourself. Inspiring and motivating yourself to keep going is so important. We can not get stuck in the trivia of life and stop living life to the fullest. Look for small ways to inspire yourself regularly.

Related post: How to stay motivated

Image by Gabriela Piwowarska from Pixabay

7. Be kind

Have you heard of random acts of kindness RAK? At school, home or work, we can do simple and random kindness acts to make someone’s day! Please read here for more information and ideas-

My family and I like to participate in 5 K for good causes and serve at animal shelters. Other ideas include volunteering at food banks, giving compliments to others, participating in fundraisers, planting a tree, snapping photos of a couple at a sightseeing place, planning a surprise birthday party, taking the day not to complain, helping a neighbor and being kind to yourself!


If you want to learn more about how to keep your bucket full for yourself or even your kids, below are the book recommendations.

Free audiobook with Audible Trial:


For kids:

Wrap Up

To summarize, you can keep your bucket full of hope and love by being positive, living in the present, looking for miracles, making small goals, encouraging others, inspiring yourself and being kind! I also gave reading ideas for the book by Tom Rath- How full is your bucket?

Dear readers, we would love to hear from you! Have you read this book or heard of this concept? How do you keep being hopeful and encouraged?

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30 replies on “How to keep your bucket full”

Loved everything about this article. The idea of keeping our bucket full was a lovely contrast to the negativity we see in mainstream newsfeeds. I’m keeping this point with me today …

“if we have love and happiness inside us, we will give that. If we have insecurity and fear, we reflect that.

I juts love this and it is so true! I use a gratitude binder each day and it helps me to focus on the positive things in life at the start of the day which sets the tone for my day. It is so important and I appreciate the wonderful post and reminder 😉

I couldn’t agree more with this post. I’m learning some of these lessons — more so living in the present. It’s never easy with kids, but the challenge is what keeps ya going, right? 🙂

I just love this post and totally agree that positivity is contagious. I do use a gratitude binder and it helps me to get into that positive mindset 😉

Making small, achievable goals makes such a difference for me! It is the only way I can tell if I’m making actual progress without getting discouraged that it’s taking too long. Great post!

It seems so simple and easy to keep your bucket full as you put it especially with these tips or tasks. But you have to be intentional and truly desire it. I also recommend, taking a break from those who also are battling sadness, stress, or negativity. Misery LOVES company. SO often I find that people stay in toxic situations where they feed each other’s pain. Now I am not saying to leave forever, but sometimes it is nice & healthy to take a break. Think of it like this! Work can be hard & stressful…so what do you do? Take a Vacation for some fun, sun, & family time. You didnt quit your job, but you just took a break from the chaos!
Lastly, I love your #3. Look for happiness and miracles every day. You would be surprised how many there are!

Another inspiring post! Great tips and ideas and love that you state near the beginning that it takes being intentional to keep ourselves fueled and in a positive state!

I love that you included looking for miracles. In life we get so busy that we forget to look at the beauty and life around us. It’s a good reminder to remember the little things.

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