Motivations Self-care

Practicing self care

Have you taken care of yourself today? Self-care can be defined as the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s own health. Taking care of yourself is a pivotal 1st step in being able to take care of others around you. We, the women, especially working women with kids, sometimes get so busy in their busy life that we feel there is no time for our-self. We get into the grind and routine, and may end up missing on self-care.

There are different types of self-care: emotional, physical, social, professional, psychological/mental, and spiritual. You need to make sure that you are taking care of each. Emotional self-care is taking care of your emotions, and accepting you for who you are. Examples include learning music or maintaining a journal. Physical self-care involves ways to improve your physical well-being. Examples would be getting enough sleep or having skin-care routine. Social self-care involves maintaining a healthy relationship with people around you. Examples can be an evening out with friends or making phone call to a family member regularly. Professional self-care would include balancing your home work front, and examples could be taking a break at work as & when needed or decorating your work space. Psychological self-care involves taking care of your mental health, which may include delegating work and being kind to yourself. Mental self-care would be doing things to sharpen or stimulate your mind. Examples would be playing games with family or reading a book. Spiritual self-care involves taking care of your spirit or soul, and examples would include self-reflection, prayer or meditation.

Research has confirmed that you can not take care of others if you are not feeling good yourself. It is very important to take care of your body, mind and soul on a regular basis. When have you actually paused, and put your need 1st? Gone out for a girls evening out? Pampered yourself to some alone time?

I have made this list after getting ideas from friends and thinking of what I do for myself that makes me feel rejuvenated, happy, relaxed and full of energy. 

-Take a short nap 

-Meditation/ self-talk 


-Coffee/tea with a book 

-Watch netflix 

-Relax on couch with your pet/child 

-Jot your thoughts in journal 

-Talk to family members/friends 

-Girls evening out 


-Read inspirational/positive thoughts 

-Have a good laugh 

-Smile at strangers 

-Have an attitude of gratitude 

-Sleep in 

-Hot bath/shower 

-Pamper yourself at home with anything for yourself for 10-30 minutes 

-Try to never bring work home 

– Having a close circle of friends

-Being spiritual, not necessarily religious

-Taking a break/relaxing on a regular basis

We would love to hear your self-care routine. Please comment below!

9 replies on “Practicing self care”

This is such a good reminder for everyone. My fav quote “you can’t drink from an empty cup”. For me I like to make a nice hot cup of tea and drink it in silence.

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