Dear readers, hope each one of you is doing well and enjoying the fall season. This post is little delayed as work has been real busy. I have moved to a different education setting this year, so it has been a learning and growing experience. As many of you would know, if not most of […]
Author: nishtha.p
How to live a balanced life
Dear readers, hope you all had a relaxing summer and now everyone is back to their fall routine including our kids. Being in Education, my work revolves around kids, including students and my own teens. Going back to work after a break and trying to get back to routine is difficult for everyone, especially children. […]
Dear readers, the summer is almost over. Most students are back in school at this time or getting ready to start soon. My younger one starts this Monday and my older one starts next week. Hope the summer break has been relaxing and enjoyable for everyone. If you have been reading my earlier posts, you […]
I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links. Dear readers, did you know that our gut is home to 100 trillion bacteria? These bacteria are important in maintaining our overall health and metabolism. […]
Dear readers, hope you and your kids are enjoying the summer break. As an educator I love this break and we always try to take a vacation. Last summer we went to Pittsburgh and New York City. Summer 2020 we were home due to the COVID pandemic. 2019 summer we went to India & three […]
Dear readers, we just came back from a refreshing family vacation. We visited 2 countries: Canada & Italy, and in this travel post I will be writing part 1 of our vacation details about the Canada trip to Calgary city. In post two, I will cover our Italy trip to Rome, Florence, Pisa and Venice. […]
Choosing a right water filter to give us healthy and purified water is so important. There are many in the market, and in today’s post I will give my review on Crystala water filters. According to many different types of filters are available to consumers and determining which type is most appropriate for you […]
Are you a dog or cat person?
Hello readers, hope you are enjoying the summer break. Most schools in the US and around the world have started summer holidays; we started ours this week! This post is for all animal lovers- big or small. Pets come in different sizes and shapes. In addition to the most common pets as dogs and cats, […]
Summer break is my favorite time of the year. Not that I like the hot season in Texas, where we have lived since 2006, but mostly because I get long summer break being an educator. Traveling is our favorite thing to do during the summer and the planning and the anticipation starts in the spring. […]
Dear readers, all of us are trying to live a happy and balanced life. It is a work in progress, for all of us! Are you looking to feel happier, become more successful, and cultivate better relationships? Do you want to find greater sense of well-being and peace? Are you working hard to manage time, […]