Family Motivations

Spring is all about blooming

Dear readers, spring is my favorite season! Although I live in Texas where we do not have the traditional four seasons and we do miss the snow, springtime is the best time here too. Spring is the end of dreary cold winter for many places on Earth and it is a new beginning everywhere. The tagline for my blog is every day is a new beginning, and this is a perfect post to remind everyone that come what may, life never stops and a new season comes, and that there is always a new day and a new beginning.


Spring is in the air! Officially in the US and the entire northern hemisphere, the spring season begins on March 20 and ends on June 21. These are the three months out of the twelve that are just so alive, refreshing, green, blossoming and colorful. With the increase in daylight, our brain activity also improves and people feel more positive, healthy and hopeful.

For many it is the end of winter, so people look forward to spending more time outdoors. As the day length increases, there feels like more time in hand. Whether it is pursuing a hobby, starting a physical activity, or getting more time to socialize, people feel more happy and comfortable with the extra daytime in hand.

My experience

Gardening is something I immensely enjoy and spring is the time I plant new seeds for flowers and vegetables. In no way do I have a green thumb, but I do not give up easily and persistence pays off. Every year, I have some new growth from sowing a few things and it makes me happy and delighted to see a new bud, flower, sprouts or vegetables. Below are some pictures from my gardening done over the years.

For me spring also brings my husband’s and younger one’s birthday and draws our wedding anniversary and older one’s birthday closer, which are both in June. In fact, all of our special occasions fall between March and August! There is no better joy and happiness than sharing these special occasions with family and friends. The one week of spring break is an added bonus as an educator. I love, love spring. Needless to say, spring is something I always look forward to and enjoy.

Below are the 5 reasons I love spring:

Read my five reasons to love Spring out of the so many others I can not pinpoint:)

  • Longer days

Gives me more time to get things done, as we extend our dinnertime a little later too. There is no going to or coming back from work in the dark. There is time and energy in the weekend to go more outdoors. Walks and hiking take a forefront.

  • Special occasions

With one birthday in March, one in April, and another birthday and our marriage anniversary in June, spring to summer times are the special occasions for our family.

  • Time to refresh

Fortunately, working in the education sector, the one week of spring break in March is the perfect time to relax, take a break and rejuvenate. Summer break also comes closer which is for 2+ months starting in early June or May end.

  • Gardening

Being able to pursue my hobby of gardening gives me pleasure and a goal to look forward to. In addition, I like doing any yard work including weeding, watering landscape and mulching.

  • Travel plans

Spring is also the time where we anticipate and start planning for the summer vacations. Although I am a believer in living in the present, I can’t help but feel excited, hopeful and enthusiastic about where our summer traveling will take us!

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Image by janinakronthaler from Pixabay

Spring quotes

I hope you all also feel the freshness, love, leisure and energy as we all welcome spring. Below are some of my favorite spring quotes that I would like to share with my readers-

Blossom by blossom, the spring begins.

Algernon Charles Swinburne

I must have flowers, always, always.


If we had no winter, spring would not be so pleasant.

Anne Bradstreet

Despite the forecast, live like it’s spring.

Lilly Pulitzer

Spring will come and so will happiness. Hold on. Life will get warmer.

Anita Krizzan

That is one good thing about this world… There are always sure to be more springs.

L.M. Montgomery

Nothing ever seems impossible in spring, you know.

L.M. Montgomery

You can cut all the flowers but you can not keep spring from coming.

Pablo Neruda

Spring is when life’s alive in everything.

Christina Rossetti

Spring flowers are nature’s most fragrant charms.

Angie Weiland-Crosby

Spring time is the season of great hope and strength.

Laila Gifty Akita

Spring is the season of restoration of all living things.

Laila Gifty Akita

Spring: the music of open windows.

Terri Guillemets

The wonderful boundless beauty of spring, causes our heart to blissfully sing.

Roylin J. Picou

Spring time is the land of awakening. The March winds are the morning yawn.

Lewis Grizzard

In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.

Mark Twain

Spring is a time to find where you are, who you are, and move towards where you are going.

Penelope Trunk

Spring is a time of new beginnings, new possibilities…. What quality would you like to grow this spring?

Tara Killen

Spring is far more than just a changing of seasons, it’s a rebirth of the spirit.

Toni Sorenson
Image by ValeriaLu from Pixabay

Wrap Up

To wrap up, spring is my favorite season due to so many reasons. Spring is all about blooming and having a new start and new beginnings. Springtime is full of hope, anticipation, strength, rejuvenation, regeneration and love. Spring just feels so alive, refreshing, green, blossoming and colorful.

Dear readers, we would love to hear from you. What is your favorite season? Do you look forward to spring Do you have a favorite spring quote or like any from my list? Share your reasons to enjoy the spring.

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28 replies on “Spring is all about blooming”

Sorry to know about your allergies, hope you enjoy the summer as the pollen count comes down

Love your reasons for loving spring! I enjoy being outdoors too and try my hand at gardening (but no green thumb!)..
And love all the quotes, especially the one about living like it is spring..

Thanks Vidya! I do not have a green thumb too but keep on trying and get some results:)

I love Spring and how everything grows back and pops with beautiful colors. It is a magical time of year…. Spring and then Fall…. my two favorite seasons!

A delightful read. I’m feeling your lovely spring vibes too. Birds, almond blossoms, sun on your back. Love Spring

I love this post and feel exactly the same as you. I love Spring as I love planting new flowers and veggies and herbs. I love tending and caring for the plants and reaping the yummy benefits when I have lots of fresh yummy produce to enjoy beautiful flowers and landscaping to enjoy. There really is nothing better and cannot wait to refresh my yard and garden this year.

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