Family Motivations

Joys of motherhood

“Today she let me hug her in the night while I was saying good night

Today she thanked me for chaperoning her for 1/2 a day taking her to places

Today she smiled and said she had a good day

Today she let me stroke her hair for some time without complaining

Today she did a chore without being asked

Today she ordered my lotion online, so I can get it before it runs out

Today she said- I understand you mumma, I really do”

There are tons of small joys in our life, just being a mom. Motherhood is a journey of growing and learning with our kids, and it is not perfect. There is no user guide or manual that comes when you become a mom and hold your baby in your arms for the 1st time. In fact, the first few weeks and months bring sleeplessness, tiredness, fatigue and all different kinds of emotions; as you learn to take care of a small individual who is your own flesh and blood.

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Then comes the terrible twos and what not. It most often marks tantrums, defiant behavior and changes in mood. They learn to manage their behavior but some tantrums continue through preschool-age kids.

Moms heave a sigh of relief when kids start school. Kindergartners are transitioning, building relationships, and starting to have their own personal space. 8-12 is called the “in-between” or tween years, where they are changing physically, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. Your child already has a mind of their own, if they haven’t yet communicated that:)

The teenage years are especially hard, and to see/hear small tokens of gestures that show they care, makes a huge difference in our life! Motherhood is not perfect and comes with all sorts of challenges. Every mother wants the best for their child and wants each child to be ready for the world when they leave the comforts of their home. Mothers try to raise their children to be compassionate, kind and a role model for the society.

We, as mothers, should remember that our kids are always watching us, even if it doesn’t look like it. According to the US Department of Education, it is only through guidance and modeling by caring adults that children learn to be honest and thoughtful, to stand up for their principles, to care about others, to act responsibly and to make sound moral choices. We should try to imbibe character, empathy, values, honesty, and integrity as we raise our children to be the future citizens of the world.

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one.” – Jill Churchill

As we teach our kids to have character, compassion, self-discipline, honesty, and fairness, to name a few traits, we do end up repeating some things again and again: few sayings we want them to remember forever, sayings that we feel are very important for them for life, sayings that will guide them when they are grown and flown out of your nest…

Here are some of my favorite mom idioms that I find really fitting and close to my heart-

 You can do anything you set your mind to

Remember who you are, and whose you are

Character is how you act when no one else is watching

Make good decisions

Make smart choices

Be kind- no matter what!

Learn from your mistakes

Hard work pays off

Be a blessing!

Tomorrow is a new day

This too shall pass

Happiness is a choice

It is not what you say, but how you say it

Take pride in your appearance and work

We are all work in progress

Be kind to yourself and others

Actions speak louder than words

Everyone deserves a fresh start

Don’t put off till tomorrow what you can do today

Always tell the truth

Nothing good happens after midnight

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

Never put your key to happiness in someone else’s pocket

Trust your gut

Fair is not equal

Life isn’t fair

Everything happens for a reason

Know your worth

Lead with kindness

A smile is the prettiest thing you can wear

Today is a great day for a great day!

Wait and see how you feel in the morning

You got this!

Be the change you want to see in the world

Choices have consequences

Life is what you make it

Do what’s right!

It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice

Attitude is everything

Do your best and don’t stress

When you know better, you do better

Never take more than you can give

There is no such thing as perfect

What goes around comes around and you get what you give

It all begins with you!

If you have a favorite mom idiom and would like to share, please comment below. We would love to include them in our writing!

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11 replies on “Joys of motherhood”

A mother is unexplainable, unexpressable and unforgettable treasure of love, care and sacrifice.

I loved the vulnerability and education of this post. Expectations are huge and I’m glad people like you prepare future mothers for the good bad and the ugly!!! Sounds like you have a beautiful bond to be proud of!

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