Parents, do you know that over the summer your child can lose up to three months of learning? Yes, it is scary! That is why it is always advisable to have your kid do some academic learning over the three months long summer, in addition to relaxing and having fun! There have been multiple research […]
Author: nishtha.p
Blogging is a business, and a difficult one too! Do you know how many bloggers are there in the US? Or the world? The good news is that the competition doesn’t matter and anyone with the right strategies can be a successful blogger. I’ve only been a blogger for five months and am writing this […]
Before I start writing, I want to share that my blog Dawn and Hope has been selected by Feedspot panelist as one of the Top 200 Lifestyle Blogs on the web! I received an email from Feedspot founder, Anuj Agarwal, on June 23rd congratulating and thanking me for my contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive […]
5 things to do every day
In a busy and hectic schedule that we all follow, it is very important to enjoy small joys in life. We need to balance our life, and taking out some time to count your blessings is as important as following your dreams and working hard towards it. If you are like me, there will be […]
Every month, around the middle or 15th, I send an email to my blog subscribers with an inspirational tip. For the month of June it was ten projects to work on before the end of summer. The previous monthly email tips included self care, how to be happy/content and spring break activities with kids at […]
Today’s blog post is in sequel to my last BLM post from June 3. This post involves ways we can support BLM and a summary of what all I have seen in the community, especially with the adolescents and teens. With the kids and parents permission, I have included what they (the kids) are doing […]
Black Lives Matter
What is the world coming to? In this era of technology, connections, innovations and creativity, have human beings forgotten that all mankind is a family? It is 2020 and we are going through the pandemic of our lifetime. In these unprecedented and scary times, do we also need to remind ourselves that lives matter? Where […]
College choices and explorations
Going to college is a well- thought of and important decision in a student’s life. With more than 4000 colleges and universities in the United States, with different majors and degrees offered, it may become a daunting task for a student to make a decision. With family support and high school counselors guidance, the college […]
Major high school decisions
Being a student is a lot of work! Just like every aspect of life has a job, student life also has a job. A job to go to school daily, complete homework, do well on academics, make friends, have social life, learn to develop interpersonal skills, communicate well and look out for yourself in a […]
When I decided to write this post about traveling, I thought hard about which place to write about. My last traveling post was about the field trip to the universities in Texas and this time I was thinking about places in India. We go to New Delhi and Faridabad whenever we visit India, and have […]