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5 tips from my blogging journey

Blogging is a business, and a difficult one too! Do you know how many bloggers are there in the US? Or the world? The good news is that the competition doesn’t matter and anyone with the right strategies can be a successful blogger. I’ve only been a blogger for five months and am writing this post to share five lessons I’ve learned from my blogging journey so far. So read on about five blogging tips!

Disclaimer: I am considered a brand new blogger and have no experience or affiliation with anyone. I am writing this post to inspire people who are looking into blogging and do not know where to start. This post is in no way a professional or experienced blogger’s advise. This post only includes tips I think anyone who wants to start as a blogger needs to know.

So my blogging journey began in January of this year. I had thought about it briefly in the December winter break and then went to our family trip to Disney World. After returning back, I started writing posts so I had bunch in hand before I published them. Everything went smoothly and I launched my website on January 12. It was an exciting moment: I had 8-10 posts, my blog was launched on BlueHost and my site was ready!

I have heard of successful bloggers making passive income and many more full time bloggers who have quit their 9-5 jobs to give their time to blogging. I work full time as an educator, and love it! I enjoy the summer holiday with kids, and the breaks in between when I get to be home with them. When they were younger, it was very helpful as we didn’t have to find a day care or nanny, since I could always be home with them when the school had a holiday or off day. So for me blogging is my new passion for 2020, and I will see where it takes me. As I mentioned I started my website on Jan 12, 2020 and have come a long way from nothing to something!

Here are my 5 learnings as a new blogger in the last 5 months of blogging-

  1. Be ready before you launch your site

Be ready with your blog website name, tag line, theme, logo and few posts before you launch. I have used BlueHost for my website and have been so happy with it. I highly recommend it. Please click on this affiliate link if you want to use BlueHost for only 3.95$ per month at no extra cost to you. I have taken the WP fast launch course and it has helped me tremendously with setting up my blog. Make sure you are using the SSO and needed plug ins as well as widgets. There is so much information and I am still learning as I only use what I need.

You should have minimum of 8-10 posts before making your blog active. Chose your niches and category, after you have decided on a domain name and a tag line. As you may know, my website/ domain name is, with the tag line- everyday is a new beginning!

2. Increase your social media presence.

When I was just starting I had to open up two brand new accounts. Yes, I did have a Facebook account for friends and I have been quite active there, but I did not have a Facebook page for my blog. So I made a new page on FB and named it Hopeanddawn blog. You can find my page link here. Second was Pinterest. I had heard about it but never used it. So I opened that account also by the end of January. I can tell you a little secret here that the number of followers on Pinterest doesn’t really matter a lot but it is the number of pins, repins, impressions and the clicks that matter.

I can’t help but share here how my Pinterest statistics and analytics have changed over the last month or so! As of today I have 73K monthly viewers and 81K impressions. I have 73K audience, 2.8K engagements and my top pin (post: 18 reflections after 18 years of marriage) has around 15K impressions followed by the post: 10 ways to support BLM with around 6000 impressions. Please see below my trends changing over weeks, not months.

Analytics on July 3
July 3 analytics
June 30 analytics
June 21 analytics
June 11 analytics

Aa far as other social media presence, I did have Instagram and Twitter but I was not that active on either one. In one month my Instagram followers increased from 125 to 303 ( May 18 to June 30) and from 50 to 135 in Twitter! The lesson is to post consistently and engage with your audience.

3. Have genuine and relevant content posts in your blog at least weekly.

I know bloggers who post regularly, varying from few times in a week to couple times in a month. But what works for me and I am able to do with ease is having a new post on a weekly basis.

My lifestyle blog has niches of family, self care, travel and educator tips. Since the COVID-19 pandemic most of my posts have been about family but I do love writing about self care, traveling experiences and reflections as an educator through the educator tip category.

It is a great idea to set up email subscriptions as soon as you can. I did mine the first week of launch and started with 25 subscribers. Now I have subscription box as well as pop up for any reader to subscribe when they visit my site.

Other tips include use of key words in your post, making it current and relevant, use of pictures and minimum 1000 words post.

4. Collaborate and connect with other bloggers.

This is a very important and crucial step in becoming a successful blogger! Of course you have your blogging email list and friends who connect with you; but being able to gain insights from other bloggers is pivotal and invaluable. I am part of couple FB blogger group and I connect with them on a daily basis on different social media platforms. Here I need to emphasize the balance- too much of social media interaction can be detrimental to your home/ work balance. So please remember to chose a middle way that works for you. For me since it is summer break and I am home, I am able to give 100% daily but I am sure in August when I start back at school I will have to pull myself out and may be make it 100% 3 times a week or 70% daily:) Will see how that goes, but as of now I am growing and developing so much as a blogger. I am still in the learning stages and just getting started:)

5. Use affiliations and advertisements as early as you can

You really don’t have to wait till you feel you are ready and you have more traffic. Start to monetize your site as early as you can. I learned it late, but you can start monetizing your site from Day 1. So this is my advise for new bloggers to start as soon as you launch. I have Google Adsense and Infolinks on my site, and I haven’t earned much from it but it is a good place to start. Affiliations include Amazon, Sharesale and HP as few examples.

The next step for me is to apply as influencers to show my interest to marketing companies. This will help me promote their products, write reviews and be able to give back to my community.


In summary blogging takes time, efforts, patience, good content, dedication and commitment. Since recently my blog Dawn and Hope was selected by Feedspot panelist as one of the Top 100 Lifestyle Blogs on the web, I wanted to reflect back on what brought me here:) Check it out here, I am #87!

I am still learning and in no way am I near where I want to be, but I am really excited about how far I have come. Hope my five blogging tips will be helpful to anyone thinking of starting to blog and any new bloggers too.

Pin for later

Dear readers, please share your tips as a blogger and if you have anything else to add to my learnings. I would love to learn and grow with you!

47 replies on “5 tips from my blogging journey”

Great tips and advice! I’m new to blogging and need all the help I can get! Really interesting blog post 😊

Thanks Samantha! Just sharing what I have experienced and we all are learning together.

Could relate so much to it. I have started my journey in April and have hit approximately 130k audience on Pinterest with just about 200 followers. All these tips are great and your post is inspiring me to share my journey as well.

I am so proud of you for making it onto the list and for growing so fast! I am also a lifestyle blogger, but I have just started a month ago. Thank you for these amazing tips!

Thanks Tiffany! GL & best wishes to you on your journey, it is fun but quite a lot of work:)

Nice article..and really helpful for the new are an inspiration to the new bloggers!!

Chetna, thanks for your kind words. No inspiration dear, just on my starting learning journey.

So amazing! Thank you for sharing your story. I have started last month and just put my first post up. I added some of your really great ideas into my strategy for the next week 🙂 Cheers!!

Alejandra, I am so glad that this is helpful, I really am! Best wishes to you on your new journey!

Thanks so much for sharing your journey with us! It’s wonderful to see how much your blog has grown and very inspiring to the rest of us bloggers!!

Thank you for this. I’ve been toying with the idea of Pinterest for a while but wasn’t sure if it would be worthwhile – seems like you stats stack up. Is it very time-consuming?

Karletta, yes time consuming for new blog posts. As I make 3-5 pins from Canva for each new one but once you are in the blogging community chats, pins and repins help a lot.

Congratulations! For me, since most of my niche is travel-related, my Pinterest has tanked since April. Hopefully, as things open back up, it will get better. I do think that blogging communities are very important–I learn so much from the different members and enjoy reading their posts.

Thanks Tracy! Yes Pinterest varies by weeks, if not days. In addition to travel, you also make great posts about food/ recipes! I am learning a lot from the blogging community too!

It is absolutely amazing how much you’ve grown. I started a blog a little over a month ago and there are still so many more things to learn. Your growth is absolutely amazing. Congratulations!

I worked a lot on my Linkedin to facilitate my work as a blogger / influencer and I must say that in effect it gives him a not bad boost. In fact, blogging is a journey that induced and followed in the right way can lead to great satisfaction.

Hi it’s Brenda from Thanks for sharing these tips and letting me know I’m heading in the right direction. I just started my blog in March and some days it can feel so daunting.

These are definitely good tips for new bloggers and even those who want to improve in certain areas. Thanks for sharing your truth and what works for you. Greatly appreciated! 😊

Such strong tips! I always give people the advice of “have everything ready before” and that goes with content too! Sometimes as you post, you can’t keep up with content demand and get stuck in a cycle. Loved the other tips too 🙂

Could relate so much to it. I have started my journey in April and have hit approximately 130k audience on Pinterest with just about 200 followers. All these tips are great and your post is inspiring me to share my journey as well.

Sure Surabhi! Go for it and make a post about your experiences to share with others

Congratulations on your HOT start in blogging! It is a huge work in progress and consistency is key! These are great tips – this is the 2nd time I have heard about Saleashare and I may need to look into this. Commission Junction has not worked for me at all!

I love all your tips. Especially as a new blogger myself. It has been quite a journey. I also have made some great blogger friends too. Great we can support one another!

This was a great read! I started my blog shortly after you. It is a slow process but I do believe will pay off in the long run!

WOW I loved seeing all the metrics associated with the social media presence part, your data proves your success!!! I’m so happy that you received a top 100 lifestyle blogger distinction, congrats !!!!

These are great tips for anyone thinking of starting a blog. You are doing so well, especially with Pinterest and your social media growth in such a short time!

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