Family Motivations Self-care

7 habits to cultivate

As a parent and an educator, I believe that it is very important to not only teach our kids academic knowledge but also skills and habits that will be helpful for them in future. Habits may take time to develop but once these are planted they take deep roots and reap us many benefits. In Today’s post I write about 7 habits to cultivate.

Let us get to basics. As moms, I know that we all try to imbibe good habits and traits in our kids from childhood so they grow up being compassionate, kind, loving, tolerant and patient with others who may be different than their own way of growing up.

Numerous research points that to have a well balanced personalities, children should be given exposure, lessons and experiences; where they get to put to use their skills and newly developed habit to practice. There are many examples of good habits that kids of all ages may learn in their childhood well into teenage years and adulthood. Learning to share and be nice to others can start as early as toddlers and pre-schoolers. In elementary schools, kids learn to work in a social setting, identify their differences and learn to work with each other cooperatively. In middle schools, kids learn to stand up for their friends, embrace their differences, accept their own growing personality as they also see growth spurts and hormonal changes, and learn to deal with emotions and conflicts as well. In high schools teens like autonomy, make their own decisions, develop their personality and find a passion to pursue.

Make it a habit to smile and be happy

In this post, I want to emphasize why it is very important to teach ourselves, and our kids, 7 habits that may lead to success and happiness in our lives. There are consequences to our actions, and good actions and habits are always beneficial and helpful.

One habit or practice we can all follow is to always do good to others. I believe in my heart that what goes around comes around, and so we should always be looking out for ways to spread joy and cheer.

Why we should always do good to others:

So why we should always do good to others?

  • Good deeds bring good thoughts. The more pure the action and thought is, the more motivation to continue being good and doing good.
  • This world definitely needs goodness. Human beings can make a tremendous difference around them, but everyone thinks about what they can do individually. We need to remember that the change starts with each one of us, and then we will definitely be able to find like-minded people and it can grow multifold.
  • As parents we can be models to our kids by showing them at an early age that helping others and contributing to local (or global) organizations not only helps them but also us. Selfless tasks bring us the most benefits as peace and happiness fill our life.
  • It increases our confidence and self-esteem. When you do good, you feel good, and this brings us confidence and increased self-esteen.
  • It teaches you grit and compassion. Doing good to others may teach you not to give up when the situation is not in your control, and can lead to compassion, kindness and tolerance.

Once doing good to others becomes a habit, it is a life long skill where there is seldom any place for jealously, hatred, unhealthy competition, anger, intolerance, and impatience. In addition, there are 6 other habits I believe which are healthy and beneficial for everyone to develop.

7 habits to cultivate:

Here is my list of 7 habits to cultivate:

1. Always do good to others

Spread positive vibes. Yes it is a thing! As mentioned above, the habit of always doing good to others will definitely come back to you, as you may see goodness coming back to you! The habit can help you give back to community: it can be your time, money, education, or any other area of expertise based on your life experiences and personal talents.

2. Develop an attitude of gratitude and smile often

In my earlier post I wrote about how having an attitude of gratitude can lead to more happiness, acceptance and contentment in your life. When you always feel blessed and have a positive attitude through gratitude, your stress level goes down, you start living in the present, and look for small joys in the moment.

3. Let it go

If we hold on to our past or grudges, we are not able to move forward. They hold us down in the present, and will not let us hope and prepare for the future. Let go of toxic situations and people who may have done you harm. The only way to move forward is by letting go of the past. Live in the present, which is the best gift by letting go of anything that may hold you down.

Letting go is a great habit

4. Start and end your day with some quiet time

This habit of planning some quiet time may make a huge difference in our lives. It gives us time to pause, think, and take control of the day. You can start your day with some quiet time before the day unfolds, with things to do and deadlines to meet. It may be time for a prayer, meditation or self-reflection that you may chose to do at the start or end of each day or any other time you want. It can be indoors or outdoors.

Quiet places outdoors can work wonders
A short walk or stroll can help clear your mind

5. Always look for good in people

This is one of my daily affirmations, and can become a habit with practice. When you feel positive and develop the outlook that there is good in every single person in this world and you start looking for it, it is a powerful step in moving in the right direction.

6. Always make a plan

Planning is critical for success in every field. It can be for the day ahead of us or meal plan or planning at work or planning with kids activities. In education we say that failing to plan is planning to fail. Always plan with the end in mind and be ready to alter your plans, if need be. Flexibility is the key.

Plan ahead for success
Plan with an end in mind

7. Believe in yourself and aim high

This habit to dream and aim high can lead you to success. Make a vision and visit it frequently. Take baby steps to reach your small goals, and in no time you will see yourself accomplishing big life goals. Just go for it!

What to take from this

In today’s post I wrote about 7 habits to cultivate. Habits take time and some habits may help you create a path of life-long success and happiness. Always doing good for others, living with an attitude of gratitude, letting go, starting each day with a plan and a reflection time, looking for goodness in others, and believing in yourself are some of the habits that you can cultivate for a happy and successful life.

Dear readers, we would love to hear about some habits that you feel have helped you and given you life-long skills of success and happiness. Please comment below or send an email to!

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39 replies on “7 habits to cultivate”

I am also a former educator. I agree 100% that all 7 principles you mentioned are important to teach our children. They will help them become productive and kind citizens. 😊I think we are all life long learners, and your lessons should continue to be cultivated as adults. I am still working on letting things go. Thank you!

My husband issue best example of finding good in other people. He’s such a role model in that! Something that shouldn’t have happens and he always finds the good in others with maybe this happened. Great habit to have keeps me in check.

This post gave me all the good vibes! Especially the do good to others statement. I try to always be a good example to my son because I want him to grow up and be a good person as well.

Hi it’s Brenda from These are some great habits to cultivate. I’ve already got some of them incorporated into my life but I see a few others I should add.

Yes! I wish I could implant this in my brain so that I can use these teaching points with my own children all the time. I love the seeing the best in everyone. Such an important way of looking at the world. Thanks so much for this list. Have an awesome day!

This is such a great outlook. I often think about habits in a bad way, such as which ones I want to break, but I really like the idea of instead building up positive ones.

Such a beautiful post to change our habits. These habits if you have you are the most powerful person in your way. These habits also gives a good message for other that you can do anything possible with a positive energy. Thanks for the share.

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