Motivations Self-care

5 ways to embrace the power of now

Do you believe that now is the most important moment in your life? Do you think the present is called so because it is indeed a gift? I do! There is power in now and read on to learn how to start living in the present and enjoy the moment at hand.

My story begins no differently than most of you. As a child I looked forward to holidays or traveling or any special occasion coming up. I enjoyed the anticipation of what was ahead of us, which was good in a way, but I did not know to enjoy the present moment. Fast forward to now: with two kids and a family of my own, I have learned to take it slow, enjoy each day as it comes and relish the memories we can make with our loved ones on a daily basis instead of waiting for the right time!

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I have to acknowledge here that this new wisdom of living in the present is recent, may be this year, may be due to COVID situation but I would say sometime in 2020 the realization has stuck that today is the most important gift that I can ever get!

I will add that for few years now I have learned to start living in the present and to enjoy what is right in front of us. But knowing this realization and truly following it needs a change in mindset. Isn’t it like this for all facts of life? We may know something, we may acknowledge something but to actually follow it in your life takes time and efforts!

It is only natural to look back at the past, to think of some good and some bad things but to spend our present thinking about what we could have done differently or how we are missing those good old days is a pure waste of time. I mean instead of thinking of the past try to make right now the most beautiful and memorable you can! Nothing is worse than thinking about what went wrong in the past and holding grudges or sadness in our heart about what has happened or already passed. Relishing your old beautiful memories and feeling low in present, is not helpful either. Life has its ups and downs, and to get to lead a fulfilled happy life living in the present is the key.

7 benefits of embracing the power of now

Here are the 7 benefits of embracing the power of now all 7 days of week, i.e… daily

  1. Better health

Statistics show that people who worry less live a healthier longer life

2. Improved mental awareness

Research notes that living in the present boosts your mental awareness through mindfulness

3. Keeps you focused and do your best in the present moment

When we are not dwelling in past or worrying about future, we are more focused in the current situation and put our best efforts and energy into making the current the best.

4. No regrets from the past or unrealistic expectation from the future

This may lead to better peace of mind and contentment

5. Your thoughts and mind are free of stress

This goes with #1 & #2. Lower stress leads to better physical, mental and spiritual health

6. Getting the realization that you have control over your thoughts and action may make you happy

When your mindset changes to accepting the present and doing the best you can, it gives you a sense of control and a right direction to go.

7. You get more organized and plan according

Instead of planning ahead for days or weeks or months or even year, you start with small daily goals which are achievable and get you more organized.

5 ways to embrace the power of now:

Now that we know the benefits of embracing the present and living in the moment, below are 5 simple ways to embrace the power of now!

  1. Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness can be practiced through the awareness of your thoughts, being alert about things around you and frequent reflections about your responses to your surroundings.

2. Have a journal of gratitude

Journaling can be done about things that you are thankful for on a daily basis. Remember an attitude of gratitude makes all the difference.

3. Have daily goals and reflect at end of day

Plan ahead and make small goals on a daily basis which are attainable and time bound.

4. Be thankful and count your blessings

Most of us have what it needs to be happy. But it is human tendency to look at lack and ignore the abundance. Change your mindset and start looking at positive things around you on a daily basis.

5. Have a growth mindset

Believe you can and half the battle is won. Growth mindset is believing that we are always evolving. With dedication, hard work and efforts we can all grow and learn and better our situations and conditions.

Reading recommendations

Below are some books recommendations from Amazon about how to cultivate different ways to embrace living in the present.

10-Minute Mindfulness: 71 Habits for Living in the Present Moment

The Power in You: How to Accept your Past, Live in the Present and Shape a Positive Future

The 90-Day Mindfulness Journal: 10 Minutes a Day to Live in the Present Moment

The Mindfulness Journal: Daily Practices, Writing Prompts, and Reflections for Living in the Present Moment

Living in the Now: How to Live as the Spiritual Being That You Are

To summarize

In conclusion, I believe in the power of now which is very powerful and totally in our control. Letting go of the past and not worrying about the future may give us a calmness and inner peace that we may be looking outside. Developing simple ways to embrace the power of now through mindfulness, gratitude journal, daily goals, habit of counting your blessings and having a growth mindset can make a huge difference in our lives. All of these deliberate efforts and cultivation may lead to better physical and mental health, less stress and regrets, more focus and eventually happiness along the way.

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Dear readers, we would love to hear from you. Please share some ways that you try to live in the present and your motivations and success stories. You may comment below or send an email to!

40 replies on “5 ways to embrace the power of now”

I love that you say ‘most of us have what we need to be happy’, to me this sums it up! We need to understand that it is up to us, and starting with mindfulness and living in the moment is what it’s all about! Thank so much for the post!

We human beings have the terrible skill of wanting more, planning, thinking ahead etc. I do it myself too. It is important as well because balance is important. But it’s true that enjoying the moment is equally important. I guess it also comes with the age or maturity. As we understand that we don’t need to hunt so many thing anymore, we seize the moment. Thanks for sharing 🙂

I appreciate all that you addressed in this post! I try to incorporate mindfulness practices consistently, and will definitely check out some of your recommendations 💕

What a lovely post! It really gave me some ideas to think about. Living in the present can sometimes be tough with all the distractions and worries around us, but really we are the ones to control our own thoughts!!

Def Jenny. Easier to say or read, but with little changes we can learn to be positive and control our thoughts if not the results

Funny enough, I’ve been reading the Power of Now and it has really shifted/jolted/revolutionized my perspective and I just see things so much more differently after these past 2 weeks. I agree with all you’re saying here. Great post!

I agree it’s important in times like these to embrace the present moment. Having a journal of gratitude is something I’m going to try to implement in my life. It’s so important to be thankful for what we have.

Beautiful … there was a time when I was so busy I didn’t take time to be present. Life rushed by. I exchanged the rush for hush, learned the power in the present – it was then I saw the clouds for the very first time – REALLY saw them, I mean. I have a daily practice of prayer, journaling and walks in nature. Life is beautiful

This has been my motto this year! To live in the present. I can’t change the past and the future will come, I can only work in the present.

Yes Bri, me too. More so this year esp with the COVID and the time to really go slow, think and reflect

This is such a great post, I wish more people could and would read, I need to send this my husbands family they have no clue when it comes to these things and how it affects family. They are only present when it suits them or they need something.

Sorry to know Jen, we can all def learn and it also takes time. As I wrote knowing and doing are different things

I have known about this concept for years. It is important for me to have frequent reminders about it!! I can easily get sucked into worrying about the future, particularly for my children and whatever struggles they are going through. I’m also guilty of regretting things from the past. I like your suggestions to help keep the mindset of living in the present moment.

Thanks Julie. I am the same way, sometimes I end up worrying too much about my kids and have to remind myself to pause. Love to you all

Having daily goals is so important! I don’t follow up on them daily but I do look back and think about my accomplishments whether big or small! So important

Having a growth mindset and letting go of regret are critical to being in the now and not constantly looking backwards!

[…] just two ways you can try to start changing your thoughts to be more positive. Read this post about embracing the power of now and living in the present. Having an attitude of gratitude and always counting your blessings can […]

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