Dear readers, I am writing this post on the last day of 2024 to reflect back on the year and to welcome the new year 2025. Life has been busy as usual, as you may have judged by the fewer blog posts I have written this past year. I do hope to pursue this interest […]
Embrace summer: relax & rejuvenate
Dear readers, I hope each one of you is having a wonderful summer! Being an educator, this is the best time of the year for me. Although I am not a fan of the hot summer months in Texas, the place which I call home, summer is the time every year where I get to […]
Dear readers, the daylight saving time arrived last month and we have sprung forward an hour. It was also the weekend we welcomed Spring Break for a week. As an educator, I look forward to this break to relax and spend quality time with family. This year with my older one visiting from college and […]
Dear readers, I hope your new year has started off great and you are enjoying the beginning of the second month of the year! Well, in most part of the world, if not all; the winter already has had at its peak and with the Arctic blast happening recently, our southern state of Texas in […]
Welcoming new year 2024
Dear readers, I can’t believe but I am writing this post after almost 6 months! Yes, it has been a long time, but my blog is always on my mind. It has just been busy with work, and life, sigh… In the summer, June to be precise, we had traveled from Houston to Pittsburgh for […]
Dear readers, hope all of you are having a great summer. This school year has been busy. With a change in my role and change of the campus, my writing has been few and far between. I am still working but it is almost time for my summer break to begin! Last weekend we travelled […]
How to raise grateful kids
Dear readers, I am a mom of two teens and I know many of my readers are parents too. Today’s fast paced world is a lot more different, and difficult, than our times. I am an educator too, so seeing from the lenses of both roles I really wish kids today are told to take […]
Dear readers, it has been some time since I wrote a blog post. It has been really busy at work since we got back from our winter break when we visited Calgary and got to see the Northern Lights. You can check out the post here! This week is our Spring Break and here I […]
Dear readers, hope each one of you had a great start to the new year. Happy New Year 2023! Wishing for joy, love, prosperity and peace for everyone. So how did you spend your New Year Eve? For most of us, spending quality time with family would be the highlight which brings happiness and meaning […]
Acceptance with Grace
Dear readers, it is the time of Thanksgiving! A beautiful day, week, month and season to count your blessings and be thankful. Today, I want all of us to pause and appreciate the beauty around us. I want us to count our blessings, and be thankful for things we have been given that we may […]