What makes you happy? This is a question for all of us! What genuinely makes us happy? Happiness is a state of mind where you feel positive, satisfied, joy, content, and full of gratitude. It can last from a short period of time, say an hour, to a long period of time, say weeks or months. We all know and realize that happiness is an emotion just like others. So is there something we can do to make our happiness linger longer?
For me happiness can be spending time with family, talking or meeting up friends, volunteering or helping someone, listening to positive encouraging words on audio, feeling accomplished after some work is done and feeling of community. For others it can be pursuing their hobby, relaxing after a long day or week of hectic work, feeling good about themselves due to achievement, getting recognition or reward and being appreciated.
So what can we do to make our happiness last? Accepting yourself for who you are, is the 1st biggest step. We all have flaws and are learners for life. We cannot be self-critical or have self-doubts about ourselves all the time. Constructive criticism is good but only up to an extent. Embrace yourself for who you are, while striving to better yourself each day!
Now let us look at some research:
A Harvard study, almost 80 years old, has proved that embracing community helps us live longer, and be happier. The surprising finding from the study is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships has a powerful influence on our health. Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too. Close relationships, more than money or fame, are what keep people happy throughout their lives, the study revealed.
According to psychologicalscience.org there is preliminary evidence that people who score higher on the well-being scales have better social and work relationships; make more money; live longer, healthier lives; and are more contributory societal citizens. According to them , there are 5 factors that contribute to happiness which includes social relationships, temperament/adaptation, money, society and culture, and positive thinking styles.
The Greater Good Science Center, University of California at Berkeley, has collected 11 of the happiness practices, and grouped them into five broader strategies for a more fulfilling life. This includes acknowledge the good, add happiness through subtraction, find meaning and purpose, use your strengths, and connect with others.
The common theme originating from these research confirms that connections and relationships matter a lot. Being involved actively in a community and having a process in place to give back, is always a win-win; to the society as well as to us individually. So what can we do that can be called selfless service? Giving your time, money and mind (thought through action) are 3 ways you can help. Like they say charity begins at home. Start by helping in your house, in your neighborhood and then you can expand further.
Below is the summary I made as a starting point for trying to lead a happy, fulfilled life.
- Personal satisfaction through peace of mind at home
(Minimize conflict and always trying to prove you are right)
- Knowing that you are enough; you are still learning to better yourself
(Confidence in yourself and grit)
- Self-less service when you can
(Volunteering at any place of your choice and interest)
- Make and maintain strong relationships
(It takes time and effort to nurture and care about people around you)
- Take out time for yourself for self-care
(As important it is to love others, it’s equally important to 1st love yourself. You can not give out from an empty bucket, fill yourself 1st)
- Change your perspective
(Always try to see positive around you- in people, in situations. Have an attitude of gratitude of what you already have in life)
- Inspire yourself regularly
(Follow your passion. It can be as simple as taking a 1st step towards a small goal you have made for yourself)
- Find your support system
(Always surround yourself with your people; know in your heart you can always rely on them no matter what)
We as a family try to give back to the community on a regular basis. In addition to volunteering at animal shelters, local food bank and fostering dogs, we contribute to global organizations like World Vision & WWF. I would love to hear from you about what makes you happy. Please write in the comment section below!

16 replies on “In pursuit of happiness”
Excellent. But it is very difficult to follow all. Sometimes we can’t do anything what we actually want. I must agree with you that atleast if we follow 20% of these then so many problems can be solved and happiness will come in our day to day life. Very nice. Keep writing
Malay, we are all a work in progress! Thanks for visiting and your encouragement!
These are great reminders of things that can help us feel happy and fulfilled. It is easy to get into a rut and feel blah. I thank you for sharing these tips!
Thank you Julie
These are such great tips to be happier. Thank you!
Thank you!
Embracing community—one reason people are having such a hard time. Love my bloggers!
Yes, being part of community is so important!
Love this blog! Sometimes we need to do things for self-care! It’s not selfish, it’s taking care of yourself ❤️
Thanks Katie! Self care should be a priority if anyone wants to give their best to others
This was a great list! Your post reminded me of a book that I just loved The Happiness Advantage. I think you would enjoy it!
What a great post, I think we could all use a little more happiness and cheer in 2020.
That summary is so helpful! Thank you for such a thoughtful post!
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