Family Motivations

It is the time of giving

It is the most wonderful time of the year! Who doesn’t like this festive season? December is filled with joy, hope, reflection for the year and planning resolutions for a new year! Loving memories are made, Christmas is celebrated, cheer is spread, and holidays are enjoyed all over the world! Being an educator, it is […]

Family Travel

6 fun outdoor activities

Who doesn’t like being outdoors? According to multiple studies, being outdoors reduces stress, improves your physical and mental well being and can lead to better health if physical activity is involved. In this post I write about 6 simple fun outdoor activities which are safe as well as engaging, and can be explored right now. […]

Products Self-care

Healthy addition to diet- Persona Vitamins Packs

I received this product for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links. Hope you all had a relaxing thanksgiving break. I can’t believe that 2020 is going to end in about a month! It has been a […]

Motivations Self-care

5 ways to embrace the power of now

Do you believe that now is the most important moment in your life? Do you think the present is called so because it is indeed a gift? I do! There is power in now and read on to learn how to start living in the present and enjoy the moment at hand. My story begins […]

Family Products

DIY home hair cutting during COVID

This Article May Contain Affiliate Links. Compensation was provided for the product review. COVID has made a huge difference in our lives. For one we have started doing many DIY activities that many of us have never done before. For our family it was hair cutting for the 4 of us. Yes since March none […]

Family Motivations

6 traits to instill in our kids

I totally believe that our kids are our future and the future of the world! They will shape the world we live in, and influence future generations. Didn’t we do the same? Try to make the world a better place for our kids! Now they are going forward to do the same for the next […]

Family Motivations Self-care

20 things that make me happy

Happiness is a state of mind! It is not how much you have but rather how you feel about how much you have that can make you feel content, happy and fulfilled. In this earlier post about pursuit of happiness, I wrote about 8 ways to develop and find happiness in your daily life. Happiness […]

Educator Tips Family

Personalized Learning during COVID

What is personalized instruction or personalized learning? According to the U. S. Department of Education, personalized learning refers to instruction in which the pace of learning and the instructional approach are optimized for the needs of each learner. Learning objectives, instructional approaches, and instructional content (and its sequencing) all may vary based on learner needs. […]

Motivations Self-care

Self care during COVID

I think we have not heard it enough that self care is so critical for everyone, especially us moms! It is hard enough trying to balance home, kids, and work and now with the COVID still looming around us, it is very important that self care is a part of routine for everyone. In today’s […]

Educator Tips Self-care

Learn your personality type and learning style

As an educator, I love professional development activities that use our personality types, learning and teaching styles to help us reflect and get ready for our students! These activities give me glimpse into my inner self and it brings me interest as well as enthusiasm to incorporate them into my every day life. To give […]