Family Motivations Self-care

7 habits to cultivate

As a parent and an educator, I believe that it is very important to not only teach our kids academic knowledge but also skills and habits that will be helpful for them in future. Habits may take time to develop but once these are planted they take deep roots and reap us many benefits. In […]

Family Motivations Self-care

Counting your blessings

The year has been a roller coaster for all of us. With the COVID- 19 pandemic starting as early as March, we’d barely started this decade in good spirits. With both the national and international cases of the pandemic rising and so many impacts, it is hard to say if anyone has not been impacted. […]

Educator Tips Family

10 back-to-school tips for online learning

Hope all the parents and students are getting into a routine for the new school year. The fall session has started for almost all schools across the country at this point, after a gap of more than five months! Our last day of school was March 12th in Spring and students start back on September […]