Family Motivations

12 ways to celebrate Earth Day

April 22 is Earth day. Although we do not have to remember Mother Earth only on this day, it is a great reminder for all of us to do our part to show our love and appreciation for everything the green planet gives us daily. Today’s post includes 12 simple ideas to celebrate Earth Day. So read on.

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Earth day was first celebrated in 1970. Since then 22 millions Americans and more than 1 billion people from more than 93 countries join in this annual event. According to USEPA ( United States Earth Protection Agency) EPA was established on December 2, 1970 after there were elevated concern about environmental pollution, to consolidate in one agency a variety of federal research, monitoring, standard-setting, and enforcement activities to ensure environmental protection. You may read here for more information.

This year marks the 50th anniversary of World Earth Day! According to the Biden Administration has decided to convene a global climate summit on Earth Day 2021. Many important environmental events have happened on Earth Day since 1970, including the recent signing of the Paris Agreement, as Earth Day continues to be a momentous and unifying day each and every year.  You may read here for more information.

So are there ways we can do small things to help our planet? Yes! Below are 12 simple ways to remember and celebrate Earth day this month and every day.

12 simple ways to celebrate Earth day

  1. Recycle, reuse and reduce

We have been hearing about this since we were children but are we doing our part on a daily basis? Are we consciously reducing our carbon footprint waste, reusing to the best of our knowledge and capacity, and recycling everything we can? Ideas include having recycle bins in our household, using paper bags or reusable bags for grocery shopping and not using plastic water bottles.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

2. Use your green thumb

Grow plants! It can be as simple as having our own kitchen garden, growing a fruit tree in our backyard or planting trees in out neighborhood as part of a community effort.

Image by Станислав Березкин from Pixabay

3. Conserve energy

Earth is bountiful and plentiful for our needs but not for our greed. Conserving natural resources on our Earth may include use of power savers electrical bulbs, biking or using ride shares (HOV- high occupancy vehicle), water saving on our showers and toilets, controlled or timed sprinkler system in our yards and being conscious about conserving electricity, water and gas at our home as well as work.

Image by sdblack0 from Pixabay

4. Pick up after our pets

This is such a simple but important way to save Mother Earth. Do you know that these wastes end up contaminating our water sheds and may lead to water pollution? Pick up after your pets and always remember to put the poop bags in the trash bins.

5. Don’t litter

This goes without saying. Do not throw trash or used materials outdoors, or clean up immediately if you see any in your immediate area. Be extra vigilant on windy days or stormy nights when trash may be leaked out or thrown over. Always always clean up.

6. Use green products

Sometimes we do not realize how the daily cleaning products we are using may be harmful to the environment. Did you know that car washing at home may lead to water pollution? Yes, use of soap or foam in our driveway, or unnecessary use of chemicals in our yard may be washed down to our local water shed leading to pollution. Solutions include not using extra fertilizers or weed killer for our yard or using environment friendly products, and washing our car with only water or getting it cleaned at a car wash place. Whenever possible and practical use environment friendly green household products for cleaning and beautifying your home.

7. Reduce pollution

Each one of us can help reduce pollution. Air, land and water pollution can be greatly reduced through planning and deliberation. All of these pollutions are caused by humans and we have to take steps to lessen or reverse the negative impact we have already made on Earth. We need to leave this planet for the future generations, and that means to not take things for granted and always picking up waste and reducing our carbon footprints on Earth.

8. Become part of something big

In addition to doing your part as an individual or a family or a neighborhood, look out to be part of community and make a global impact. Join local green organizations like arboretums or nature conservancy. Support local habitats of native plants and animals, and become part of something big by joining any program or activity that helps nature.

9. Spread awareness

In addition to knowing and doing, we also can help spread awareness. Read about current situations affecting our ecosystems and spread awareness through word of mouth, running a local chapter or donating to a national organization. State and national parks around the USA have multiple activities to get involved and for you to make a difference.

10. Have a voice

We all have a voice and choice. Have a voice by first listening to what Earth is asking for- use your senses to see, hear, touch, feel, and taste Earth. I mean it- look closely and you may find something that you can use your voice for to spread awareness and lead people into helping the planet we live on.

11. Involve the next generation in the efforts

Involve your children (and grandchildren) in the process of caring for and looking after our planet. Invite them and lead them into activities and organizations that can make an impact on them. They in turn will lead it forward.

12. Be deliberate in your choices

Where are your products coming from? Are the materials reusable and not filling the landfill Are the boxes biodegradable? Is the company or store you buy on a regular basis from environment friendly? Do a little research before making your choice and try your best to always choose green over ease, habit, comfort or even money. Every small step we take counts!

Wrap Up

To wrap up, as Earth day approaches on April 22 let us all take small steps to start or continue taking care of Mother Earth. I wrote about 12 simple ways to acknowledge and appreciate our planet for what we are given every single day. Reducing, recycling, reusing, planting, conserving, along with taking steps to help reduce air, water and land pollution through right choices and using your voice to spread awareness are all simple ways to celebrate Earth Day in 2021.

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Dear readers, we would love to hear from you. What practices do you follow to help take care of our green planet Earth? Which ones are your favorite and why? You may comment below or send an email to

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23 replies on “12 ways to celebrate Earth Day”

I love the idea of involving the next generation in celebrating earth day. Since our children will inherit the earth and its goodness and nastiness, its a great idea to involve them in the cleanup as early as possible.

That’s amazing. We just do kitchen garden and have planted a fruit tree that is long lasting

Love this! I have a post coming up too on how to Celebrate Earth Day so make sure to give it a look tomorrow!

Thanks for reminding about the environment through your blog post on Earth Day! It’s a very important issue that needs all the work to protect the planet.

Thank you for the reminder about earth day. We have much reason to take care of Mother Earth. I’ll be putting your list to good use

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